Peer-reviewed journal publications
Licata, A., Kepinska, O., Berthele, R., Golestani, N., Borghesani, V. (accepted). Mapping multiple forms to many meanings: the effect of cross-linguistic colexification on multilingual semantic knowledge, Registered Report (Stage 1). Bilingualism: Language and Cognition
Rampinini, A.*, Balboni, I.*, Kepinska, O., Berthele, R., & Golestani, N. (2025). NEBULA101: An open dataset for the study of language aptitude in behaviour, brain structure and function. Scientific Data, 12(1), 19. |
Ramoser, C., Fischer, A., Caspers, J., Schiller, N. O., Golestani, N., & Kepinska, O. (2025). Language aptitude is related to the anatomy of the transverse temporal gyri. Brain Structure and Function, 230(1), 14.
Golshani, S., Kepinska, O., Gholami, H., & Golestani, N. (2024). Neuroanatomy, episodic memory and inhibitory control of persian-kurdish simultaneous bilinguals. Scientific Reports, 14(1), 29151.
Degano, G., Donhauser, P. W., Gwilliams, L., Merlo, P., & Golestani, N. (2024). Speech prosody enhances the neural processing of syntax. Communications Biology, 7(1), 1-10. pdf |
Rampinini, A.*, Balboni, I.*, Golestani, N.#, & Berthele, R.# (2024). A behavioural exploration of language aptitude and experience, cognition and more using Graph Analysis. Brain Research, 149109. pdf
Kepinska, O., Dalboni da Rocha, J., Tuerk, C., Hervais-Adelman, A., Bouhali, F., Green, D., … & Golestani, N. (2023). Auditory cortex anatomy reflects multilingual phonological experience. |
Blockmans, L., Golestani, N., Dalboni da Rocha, J.L., Wouters, J., Ghesquière, P. & Vandermosten, M. (2023). Role of family risk and of pre-reading auditory and neurostructural measures in predicting reading outcome. Neurobiology of Language, 4 (3): 474–500. pdf |
da Rocha, J. L. D., Kepinska, O., Schneider, P., Benner, J., Degano, G., Schneider, L., & Golestani, N. (2023). Multivariate Concavity Amplitude Index (MCAI) for characterizing Heschl’s gyrus shape. NeuroImage, 120052. pdf |
Lor, C., Haugg, A., Zhang, M., Schneider, L., Herdener, M., Quednow, B., Golestani, N., Scharnowski, F. (2023). Thalamic volume and functional connectivity are respectively associated with nicotine dependence severity and smoking urge. Addiction Biology, 28(1): e13261. |
Geva, S.,* Schneider, L. M.*, Roberts, S., Khan, S., Gajardo-Vidal, A., Lorca-Puls, D. L., team, P., Hope, T. M. H., Green, D. W., & Price, C. J. (2021). Right cerebral motor areas that support accurate speech production following damage to cerebellar speech areas. NeuroImage: Clinical, 102820 |
Geva, S.*, Schneider, L. M.*, Roberts, S., Green, D. W., & Price, C. J. (2021). The Effect of Focal Damage to the Right Medial Posterior Cerebellum on Word and Sentence Comprehension and Production. In Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (Vol. 15, p. 239). |
Dalboni da Rocha, J., Schneider, P., Benner, J., Santoro, R., Atanasova, T., Van de Ville, D. & Golestani, N. (2020). TASH: Toolbox for the automated segmentation of Heschl’s gyrus. Scientific Reports, 10:3887 | pdf |
Rutten, S., Santoro, R., Hervais-Adelman, A., Formisano, E.# & Golestani, N.# (2019). Cortical encoding of speech enhances task-relevant acoustic information. Nature Human Behaviour, 3, 974-987(DOI:10.1038/s41562-019-0648-9).pdf |
Hervais-Adelman, A. Egorova, N. & Golestani, N. (2018). Beyond Bilingualism: multilingual experience correlates with caudate volume. Brain Structure & Function, 223(7), 3495-3502, [IF: 5.6]. pdf |
Momenian, M., Nilipour, R., Ghafar Samar, R., Cappa, S.# & Golestani, N.# (2018). Morphosyntactic complexity modulates brain activation in Persian-English bilinguals: an fMRI study. Brain and Language,185, 9-18[IF: 3.4]. pdf |
Vandermosten, M., Wouters, J., Ghesquière, P. & Golestani, N. (2018). Statistical learning of speech sounds in dyslexic and typical reading children ( Scientific Studies of Reading (SSR).[IF: 3.6]. pdf |
Hervais-Adelman, A., Moser-Mercer, B. & Golestani, N. (2018). Commentary: Broca Pars Triangularis constitutes a “Hub” of the language-control network during simultaneous language translation. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. [IF: 3.6]. pdf |
Hervais-Adelman, A., Moser-Mercer, B., Murray, M.M. & Golestani, N. (2017). Cortical thickness increases after simultaneous interpretation training. Neuropsychologia (Special Issue on Language Learning). [IF: 3.3]. pdf |
Marie, D. & Golestani, N. (2016). Brain structural imaging of receptive speech and beyond: a review of current methods. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 32 (7), 870-890 [IF: 2.1]. pdf. |
Kartushina, N., Hervais-Adelman, A., Frauenfelder, U. & Golestani, N. (2016). Mutual influences between native and non-native vowels in production: evidence from short-term articulatory feedback training. Journal of Phonetics, 57, 21-39. [IF: 1.6] pdf |
Kartushina, N., Frauenfelder, U. & Golestani, N. (2016). How and when does the second language influence the production of native speech sounds: A literature review. Language Learning, 66 (Suppl. 2), 155-186. [IF: 1.2]. pdf |
Vandermosten, M., Price, C.J. & Golestani, N. (2016). Plasticity of white matter connectivity in phonetics experts. Brain Structure and Function, 221, 3825-3833. [IF: 5.6] pdf |
Golestani, N. Neuroimaging of phonetic perception in bilinguals (2015). Bilingualism: Language and Cognition.[IF: 1.9] pdf |
Kartushina, N., Hervais-Adelman, A., Frauenfelder, U., & Golestani, N. (2015). The effect of production training with visual feedback on the production and perception of foreign speech sounds. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 138 (2), 817-832. [IF: 1.6] pdf |
Hervais-Adelman, A., Moser-Mercer, B. & Golestani, N. (2015). Brain functional plasticity associated with the emergence of expertise in extreme language control. Neuroimage, 114, 264-274. [IF: 7.1] pdf |
Hervais-Adelman, A., Moser-Mercer, B., Michel, C.M. & Golestani, N. (2015). fMRI of simultaneous interpretation reveals the neural basis of extreme language control. Cerebral Cortex, 25(12), 4727-39. [IF: 7.5] pdf |
Hervais-Adelman, A.*, Pefkou, M.*, & Golestani, N. (2014). Bilingual speech-in-noise: neural bases of semantic context use in the native language. Brain and Language, 132, 1-6. [IF: 3.8] pdf * The first two authors contributed equally |
Scharnowski, F., Rosa, M.J., Golestani, N., Hutton, C., Josephs, O., Weiskopf, N. & Rees, G. (2014). Connectivity changes underlying neurofeedback training of visual cortex activity. PLOS ONE, 9(3). [IF: 3.7] pdf |
Golestani, N. (2014). Brain structural correlates of individual differences at low to high levels of the language processing hierarchy: A review of new approaches to bilingualism research. The International Journal of Bilingualism, 18(1), 6-34. [IF: 0.86] pdf |
Evans, S., Kyong, J.S., Rosen, S., Golestani, N., Warren, J., McGettigan, C., Mourao-Miranda, J., Wise, R. J. and Scott, S.K. (2014). The pathways for intelligible speech: multivariate and univariate perspectives. Cerebral Cortex, 24(9), 2350-61. [IF: 7.5] pdf |
Golestani, N., Hervais-Adelman, A., Obleser, J., Scott, S.K. (2013). Semantic versus perceptual interactions in neural processing of speech-in-noise. Neuroimage, 79, 52-61. [IF: 7.1] pdf |
Hervais-Adelman, A., Moser-Mercer, B. & Golestani, N. (2011). Executive control of language in the bilingual brain: Integrating the evidence from neuroimaging to neuropsychology. Frontiers in Psychology, 2:234. [IF: 2.8] pdf |
Golestani, N., Price, C.J., Scott, S. K. (2011) Born with an ear for dialects? Structural plasticity in the ‘expert’ phonetician brain. The Journal of Neuroscience, 31(11), 4213-4220. [IF: 7.1] pdf |
Vandermosten, M., Boets, B., Luts, H., Poelmans, H., Golestani, N., Wouters, J., Ghesquière, P. (2010). Adults with dyslexia are impaired in categorizing speech and nonspeech sounds on the basis of temporal cues. PNAS, 107 (23), 10389-10394. [IF: 9.7] pdf |
Golestani, N., Rosen, S., Scott, S. K. (2009). Native-language benefit for understanding speech-in-noise: the contribution of semantics, Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 12(3), 385-392. [IF: 2.2] pdf |
Golestani, N. & Zatorre, R.J. (2009). Individual differences in the acquisition of second language phonology. Brain & Language, 109, 55-67. [IF: 3.8] pdf |
Douaud, G., Behrens, T.E., Poupon, C., Cointepas, Y., Jbabdi, S., Gaura, V., Golestani, N., Krystkowiak, P., Verny, C., Damier, P., Bachoud-Lévi, A.C., Hantraye, P., Remy, P. (2009). In vivo evidence for the selective subcortical degeneration in Huntington’s disease. Neuroimage, 46(4), 958-966. [IF: 7.1] pdf |
Golestani, N. & Pallier, C. (2007). Anatomical correlates of foreign speech sound production. Cerebral Cortex. 17(4), 929-934. [IF: 7.5] pdf |
Golestani, N., Molko, N., Pallier, C., Dehaene, S., & Le Bihan, D. (2007). Brain structure predicts the learning of foreign speech sounds. Cerebral Cortex, 17(3), 575-582. [IF: 7.5] pdf |
Rodrigo, S., Naggara, O., Oppenheim, C., Golestani, N., Poupon, C., Cointepas, Y., Mangin, J.F., Le Bihan, D., & Meder, J.F. (2007). Human subinsular asymmetry studied by diffusion tensor imaging and fiber tracking. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 28(8),1526-31. [IF: 3.2] pdf |
Rodrigo, S., Oppenheim, C., Chassoux, F., Golestani, N., Cointepas, Y., Poupon, C., Semah, F., Mangin, J.F., Le Bihan, D., Meder, J.F. (2007). Uncinate fasciculus fiber tracking in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Initial findings. European Radiology, 17(7),1663-8. [IF: 3.5] pdf |
Golestani, N., Alario, F.-X., Meriaux, S., Le Bihan, D., Dehaene, S., & Pallier, C. (2006). Syntax production in bilinguals. Neuropsychologia, 44(7), 1029-40. [IF: 4.4] pdf |
Dodel, S., Golestani, N., Pallier, C., ElKouby, V., Le Bihan, D., & Poline, J.B. (2005) Condition-dependant functional connectivity: syntax networks in bilinguals. Philosophical Transactions (Royal Society): Biological Sciences, special issue on brain connectivity, 360 (1457), 921-935. [IF: 6.2] pdf |
Perrin, M, Poupon, C., Cointepas, Y., Rieul, B., Golestani, N., Pallier, C., Riviere, D., Constantinesco, A., Le Bihan, D., Mangin, J.F. (2005). Fiber tracking in q-ball fields using regularized particle trajectories. Information processing in medical imaging, 19, 52-63. pdf |
El Kouby, V, Cointepas, Y, Poupon, C, Riviere, D, Golestani, N., Poline, JB, Le Bihan, D, Mangin, JF. (2005) MR diffusion-based inference of a fiber bundle model from a population of subjects. International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention, 8 (Pt 1), 196-204. [IF: N/A] pdf |
Golestani, N. & Zatorre, R.J. (2004) Learning new sounds of speech: Reallocation of neural substrates. Neuroimage, 21(2), 494-506. [IF: 7.1] pdf |
Golestani, N., Paus, T., & Zatorre, R.J. (2002). Anatomical correlates of learning novel speech sounds. Neuron, 35, 997-1010. [IF: 16.4] pdf |
Ward, L.M., Armstrong, J., & Golestani, N. (1999). Memory for psychophysical scaling judgements. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 6(3), 472-478. [IF: 2.2] pdf |
Ward, L.M., Armstrong, J., & Golestani, N. (1996). Intensity resolution and subjective magnitude in psychophysical scaling. Perception & Psychophysics, 58(5), 793-801. [IF: 2.0] pdf |
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