Email: Giulio [dot] Degano [at] unige [dot] ch
2010-2014 BA in Information Engineering, University of Padova, Italy
2014-2016 MA in Bioengineering, University of Padova, Italy
2016 Erasmus Project, University of Dundee, UK
2016-2020 PhD in Neuroscience, University of Birmingham, UK
Journal publications:
Degano, G., Ferrari, A., Noppeney, N. (in preparation). Audio-tactile integration in music: an EEG and FMRI study.
Sokoliuk, R., Degano, G., Banellis, L., Melloni, L., Hayton, T., Sturman, S., Veenith, T., Yakoub, K., Belli, A., Noppeney, U., Cruse, D., (under revision) Covert speech comprehension predicts recovery from acute post-traumatic coma.
Sokoliuk, R., Degano, G., Melloni, L., Noppeney, U., Cruse, D., (2020), The influence of auditory attention on rhythmic speech entrainment, bioRxiv
McNeil, A., Degano, G., Poole, I., Houston, G., Trucco, E., (2017). Comparison of automatic vessel segmentation techniques for whole body magnetic resonance angiography with limited ground truth data, Annual Conference on Medical Image Understanding and Analysis, MIUA 2017, Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 723.
Degano, G., Noppeney, U. Cortical tracking reveals how the brain forms hierarchical representations based on linguistics and memory, Society for Neuroscience, Nano Symposium on language processing, 2018.
Degano, G., Jones, S., Noppeney, U. Ageing increases the impact of audiovisual synchrony on speech comprehension in adverse listening situations, in Proc. 23rd International Congress on Acoustic, 2019.