Welcome to our media page! Here you can find our videos, interviews and other press on our lab.
January 17, 2025
Alessandra Rampinini recently gave a seminar in the context of the Neurolinguistics in Sweden (NLS) series at the University of Lund. You can watch it here.
January 7, 2025
Today marks a milestone for our NCCR Evolving Language work of the past four years! Our #openscience language dataset by Alessandra Rampinini, Irene Balboni, Olga Kepinska, Raphael Berthele and Narly Golestani has been published in Springer Nature #ScientificData and we are proud to share it with the scientific community for further learning and exploration of the human brain 🧠 😍
August 28, 2024
Did you know? in 2020-2024, thanks to the support of the NCCR Evolving Language, we were able to create a large multimodal dataset for the study of language skills and aptitude in 101 highly multilingual people (2-11 languages). We now have a preprint out. Read it here and stay tuned for the data release!
July 9, 2024
Our lab has a new paper out in Brain Research! This work is part of the special issue Origins of variability in acquiring and using linguistic knowledge. Here we explore all the ingredients that go into the amazingly complex recipe that is language skill. Read it here!
June 25, 2024
Our lab has a new paper in Communications Biology! Giulio delves deeper into the way prosodic boundaries help understand syntactic ones. Read it here!
June 30, 2023
April 21, 2023
Here is a video showcasing our work with polyglots, featuring one of our participants.
February 15th, 2023. Narly was interviewed today by RTS on our ongoing project on Language Aptitude within the NCCR Evolving Language! You can listen to her interview (in French) here below or you can visit RTS for this and more content.

Nov. 2022: Narly’s interview for article on the brain and language in Campus Junior magazine, for 8-12 year-old children (in French).

Oct. 2022: Our post doc Alessandra Rampinini was interviewed by Brain & Life Magazine on the brains of polyglots. Read here!

June. 2020: Narly’s interview on language aptitude in Campus Biotech magazine (in French, page 21).
Jan. 2022: Narly’s MultiMind Lecture is now available on Youtube.
June 2021: our post doc Alessandra Rampinini was featured in the NCCR Women Campaign, here is her interview!
Apr. 2016: Narly gave an interview to the Radio-Télévision-Suisse (in French) on the relationship between Music and the Brain.